Science Panorama
Why and When Did Humans Start Shaving?
Even in cave paintings, humans are depicted without beards. When and why did humans decide to part with their natural appearance?
November 15, 2024 זמן קריאה משוער 8 -
Science Panorama
Ancient Star Catalogs: Mapping the Skies
Over two thousand years ago astronomers already began to systematically map stars
July 27, 2024 זמן קריאה משוער 12 -
'Publish or Perish' - The Quest For Scientific Publishing
A caricature raises an important discussion on the flaws of the method that pushes scientists to publish more and more
July 9, 2023 זמן קריאה משוער 7 -
Exploring The Ecology of Medieval Knight Tales
Unearthing lost medieval narratives through ecological models
June 15, 2023 זמן קריאה משוער 5 -
״But, Everyone Knows It’s True!״ - On Scientific Consensus
A proven scientific theory can become consensus, but consensus could also have negative aspects
July 14, 2022 זמן קריאה משוער 7 -
The Book Ahead Of Its Time
The "Principia", Newton's groundbreaking book that shaped our understanding of the laws of gravity and physics, overcame many an obstacle on its way to recognition
July 14, 2022 זמן קריאה משוער 7 -
Science Panorama
Abortions: Science vs. Politics
As abortion bans, supposedly science-based, come into effect in some U.S states, what does science know about abortions?
June 30, 2022 זמן קריאה משוער 8 -
Science History
The Author at the End of the Universe
Science, art, imagination and plenty of humor accompanied Douglas Adams' far-too-short life.
May 25, 2022 זמן קריאה משוער 6